Friday, June 26, 2015

Cookin with Peanut Oil (We have a hole and a basement!) Also Mortgage rates are rising…FYI

House Progress

-So unfortunately delay on updates, however thats because we became parents on fathers day to a beautiful baby girl!

      So over the last week, the hole got dug, the footers then got poured, and now walls for the basement are in. After speaking with the project manager today he said that the basement got waterproofed yesterday and backfilling has begun.  Pic at the end with some captions.

-One thing I had not thought of but did the other day while driving around Timber Ridge was to see about any over runs on the rock for the elevation of our home. I had read somewhere a guy who had brick put on his home got some leftovers so….. I asked and my PM said although the amount they buy is usually very close to exact if there are any overruns he will ask the guys who put the stone on. I figure why not, we are paying for the stone right? So we shall see, but either way I appreciate that we have such an understanding PM who is willing to ask things like this and is fairly attentive to all customers with multiple builds going on.

 First day/digging
 Good to see where the drains and water lines come in, can also see the different layers of earth in this pic the clay at the bottom then roots/soil, and top soil
 Footers poured with drainage around it, also I have to say the pumps were running with this all going on since the rain in Cleveland lately has been out of control!
 View from back, can see that since clay came up high here, they left it higher where garage will be poured.
 View from driveway with slip forms
 View from back right corner facing street, can see in this pic the blue rubber hose which they have been trying to drain….

NVR and Rising Mortgage Rates

So with the Spring buying season having kicked off and a generally improving economy unfortunately the initial 3.75 rate we were working with is now well over 4% for example today is 4.375% we plan to basically keep eyeing the market and hopefully buy the rate down below 4 if that ends up being possible.

It sounds strange however if Greece defaults on loans on the 30th of June the world economy will be less strong and the rates may see a little drop from what I've read. So word to the wise anyone currently shopping loans, I would say lock sooner than later because the projections are rates will rise sharply this fall (good for those of us now or the ones who bought in the spring)

-Big thing none tells you at NVR (or well any mortgage brokers) is that you can spend a little money (1000) and get percentage points to bring your rate down… so we will see what happens below are some links I've been reading that may remain helpful to most people on mortgage rates.

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